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By ticking the check box to agree to the terms and conditions, it means you have read the below agreement, understand its terms, and agree.

This Agreement is between Simi Awokoya (SO Coaching Ltd T/A Coach Simi), referred to herein as “Coach”, and between the Client. Client and Company are sometimes referred to collectively in this Agreement as the “Parties”.

Client desires to engage Coach to provide a 1:1 LinkedIn VIP Day.

In order to carry out these purposes, the Parties agree as follows:


1. Client is securing one of a limited number of places for a LinkedIn VIP Day with Simi Awokoya of SO Coacing Ltd T/A Coach Simi.

2. The Price is £3000 (Pound Sterling), payable upfront (pay on full) or with a payment plan outlined as such:

2 payments of £1500 (total payment of £1500)

3. This Agreement is the entire agreement between parties. These written documents supersede prior discussions, emails, online or voice messages. By signing, client agrees that there is no information that client deems materially important that is not incorporated into this Agreement.


1. 3 Hour 1:1 LinkedIn VIP day via Zoom

2. VIP Day Resource with LinkedIn Profile Strategy & 3-Month LinkedIn Content Topics and Structured Outlines Strategy

3. Recording of LinkedIn VIP Day


1a. The time of the VIP Day will be determined by Coach and Client at a mutually agreed upon time. It is the Client’s responsibility to be available at the agreed upon time. The Coach will provide the client with a scheduling link to schedule their VIP Day via Zoom.

Rescheduling: Client must make every effort to meet at the mutually agreed upon time. Client must provide Coach at least 48 hours advance notice to reschedule a meeting. If Client reschedules a meeting within 24 hours of the scheduled meeting time, Client shall be charged £100.

Point of scheduling: If client pays in full they can schedule their VIP Day during onboarding.

If client uses a payment plan, the client will complete onboarding and schedule their VIP Day after full payment is made.


1. Done-for-you services of any kind are not included (Coaching is a Done-with-you service where we work together to help you succeed. Your coach will not do the work for you)

2. Endorsements. You are not receiving an endorsement from the Company and neither is any other participant. Do not create the appearance of an endorsement or rely on any person who claims to be endorsed by Company.

3. Ownership of Written Materials. As a participant, you will have one license to view written materials provided by Company. You may not copy, re-engineer, distribute, or otherwise provide access to this information to any other person, for free or paid.

4. Results Not Guaranteed. You are receiving a space in the program, support and guidance, but not guaranteed results from participating in the program.


1. There is a NO REFUNDS policy.

By signing this Agreement, you acknowledge that no one has represented to you that refunds are available.

2. Disclaimer of Warranties.

Participant understands the LinkedIn VIP Day is offered on an “as-is, where-is” basis, without any implied or express warranty as to its performance or to the results that may be obtained by using the program. This limited warranty is the only express warranty made to you and is provided in lieu of any other express warranties (if any) created by any documentation.

3. No Professional Advice.

The Company does not engage in the rendering of legal, accounting, financial, or other professional services. You acknowledge that you will make your own decisions before acting on any information gained from this program. It is further understood that before you utilize any techniques suggested by this program, you should consult licensed professionals as applicable.

4. No Assignment; No oral waivers or modifications.

This Agreement may not be assigned to any other party. Its requirements may not be waived or modified except in writing signed by the Coach.

5.The Program and Term cannot be paused or placed on hold for any reason without the written authorization of the Company.

6. Force Majeure. Not with standing the above, the program may choose to be excused of any further performance obligations in the event of a disastrous occurrence outside the control of program that materially affects the Services provided in this Agreement, including:

a. A natural disaster (fires, explosions, earthquakes, hurricane, flooding, storms, or infestation); or

b. Accidents and medical emergencies; or

c. War, invasion, act of foreign enemies, embargo, or other hostility (whether declared or not); or

d. Any hazardous situation created outside the control of either party such as a riot, disorder, pandemic or epidemic, nuclear leak or explosion, or act or threat of terrorism.

In the event that Section 6 applies, the program will be permitted to make a reasonable effort to reschedule call/session/etc. as needed in order to comply with the terms of this Agreement, however, will not be found in breach if this is not possible due to the circumstances.

7. Electronic Signatures and Other Documents.

You agree that your electronic signature is valid and binding evidence of your assent to the terms of this Agreement. You agree to sign additional documents which may be necessary to complete the material purpose of this Agreement, including without limitation, payment authorizations.

8. Multimedia Waiver: During the program, photographs, text, audio, and video may be taken and edited which may or may not include you. You agree to allow the use of these to the program and its representatives to be used in marketing content online and/or offline.

Exhibit A
Program Payment Authorization
Payment Terms: The fee for the program is £1500 paid in full or in 2 monthly payments of £750 as detailed below

For 2 monthly payment plan

1st payment paid today: £750

2nd payment charged automatically on same day the following month: £750

For Pay in full:

Payment today: £1500

Refund Policy: All Deposits, balances and payments, paid in full or instalments are NON-REFUNDABLE.

Late Payment Terms: We understand that credit & debit cards expire or you may want to change the credit or debit card on file. Please send an email to to make necessary changes. Charges are made automatically on the agreed days shared above. If a card is declined, you will receive an email to resolve this. You will have a 1 day grace period to update your card. If the card is declined on day 2, your account will incur a £100 charge to current outstanding amounts due. If the account is past due at day 3, the account will be suspended without access to online or offline resources until the outstanding payments have been paid in full or payment arrangements have been acknowledged. Suspension of account access does not sever the responsibility of paying in full all agreed program payments.

Payment Terms & Conditions: If you have chosen to pay in instalments, you agree to pay the full amount & all instalments of the program level, no matter your level of participation. You agree to have an updated & authorized credit or debit card on file until your chosen payment option is paid in full, including any accrued late fees, if applicable.

By ticking the check box to agree to the terms and conditions, it means you have read the foregoing Agreement, understand its terms, and agree.

I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Pay in full (£3000)£3000.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment plan (2 monthly payments x £1500)2x £1500.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


LinkedIn VIP Day£0

  • Total payment
  • 1xLinkedIn VIP Day£0

All prices in GBP

What's included in a LinkedIn VIP Day?

LinkedIn VIP Day is a 3 hour private coaching session for new and seasoned women entrepreneurs who want to triple their visibility, leads and income and map out 3 months of content topics and structured outlines to build their brand and sell their services on LinkedIn. Here is what you get:

3 Months of mapped-out daily LinkedIn content specific to your personal brand: 3 Hour Private Coaching Session with Simi to help you map out 3 months of LinkedIn content topics and structured outlines tailored to your brand and services.

Tailored strategy for booking clients from LinkedIn: Custom LinkedIn conversion strategy so you can convert your profile visitors into followers, direct messages and clients.

Increasing your client referrals and leads on LinkedIn: Recommendations collection process to get more client testimonials on your LinkedIn profile so you can boost credibility in your industry and attract more clients.

Turn your messages into sales calls: Training on how to sell in the LinkedIn DMs and convert enquiries into paying clients.

Growing your LinkedIn audience and increasing visibility: Instant engagement from Simi’s profile (with 17,000+ following) on all the content we map out together to help you increase your visibility and audience.

What happens after I purchase a LinkedIn VIP Day?

After you purchase your VIP Day - you will automatically get an email from me with further steps to onboard you and learn more about your goals for your building your brand and selling your services on LinkedIn.

After full payment is received, you will receive a scheduler to book your VIP day on a convenient day for you!

P.S. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the logistics of the day or any questions you may have - I am happy to discuss this with you! Just email me at
